Rose Orleans - IG GIF
Rose Orleans
Rose Orleans

Content is king, and it’s easy to see why.

Take the last meal you posted to your IG story, that epic video you shot of your favorite band, or the boomerang of the sun setting behind the waves at your most recent beach trip. Capturing those moments can give us adrenaline and even addiction, and we’re equally as eager to see what other people are up to. That’s why Instagram has 4.2 billion users worldwide (with Tiktok not far behind).

Seattle Candle Co

To be a brand in 2022 means you must have content. But what exactly is content as it relates to digital marketing?

Content | /kənˈtent/ | (noun): relevant media that’s made to attract, engage, and retain your audience.⁠ Original graphics, images, videos, gifs, memes, newsletters, and even branding are types of digital content that can be used across channels to enhance your message. Most importantly, content should position your brand as the expert in your field. So when someone is ready to hire you or make a purchase, they’ll think of you or your business first.

Making captivating content is crucial, but creating and deploying it is never as easy as it sounds. Content marketing is the defined stages and strategy in which every business should deploy its content. Mailchimp, a popular platform that helps businesses turn emails into revenue, says,

“Companies that use content marketing see approximately 30% higher growth rates than businesses not using it.”

Love for Nica

Different ways to enhance your business’ content creation strategy can mean studying up by reading articles or taking e-courses, trying hands-on experience, or hiring a seasoned professional.

Lucky for you, Juniperus is poized to take over all of your content needs so you can focus on running your business! We work with photographers like Kathryn Schambach and seasoned prop stylists Ayers-Herrin to create original scenes for photoshoots. Our in-house team is complete with graphic designers and copywriters who will turn your assets into revenue.

Interested in learning more? Contact Juniperus today to set up a free consultation for your brand.

Seattle Candle Co

*Examples of content the Juniperus team has shot for Seattle Candle Co., Kea Beverages, Love for Nica, and Rose Orleans.

Alicia Harper

Alicia Harper

Co-Founder, Juniperus

Alicia has been passionate about writing since she can remember. She attended the University of Georgia’s Grady College of Journalism where she honed her skills and took every available opportunity to perfect her craft.

As Juniperus’ co-founder, Alicia is the very definition of our brand—young and always evolving—continually building depth to our client’s stories while bringing fresh and new ideas to the table.