Reeling from an exciting election cycle in 2020, the Young Democrats of Atlanta approached us to update their logo and redesign their website. YDATL needed branding that reflected their young and exciting organization. The Young Democrats of Atlanta’s mission is: to stimulate an active interest in governmental affairs, to increase the efficiency of popular government, to foster and perpetuate the ideals of the Democratic Party, to provide the highest degree of justice and social welfare for our people, and to serve as a voice for all young people in the Democratic Party.

Old Logo
We (virtually) sat down with our incredible in-house designer, Madison Martinez, to talk about YDATL’s rebrand.
Can you tell us a little about your design process with YDATL?
I knew YDATL wanted their logo to feature their home state, so the first thing that I did was research symbolism for Georgia that would match with their brand. Then, I found some other democratic logo designs from around the U.S. to gain inspiration from the ones I felt were designed well. After I had a good idea of the direction I wanted to go, I started sketching ideas on paper. Once I had a few options that I was happy with, I moved those to my laptop and completed the design there.
A lot of political groups in Georgia utilize the state outline in their designs but you had a fresh take on the peach state. Can you tell us more?
I really wanted to find a way to make Georgia aesthetically pleasing but still look like Georgia. The state has a slightly bulky and awkward outline, but I thought I could make it look good while still reading as Georgia by simplifying the shape. I ended up really liking the outline of the state placed behind “YDATL.” I chose to use a gradient so that it could extend behind the letters with no harsh cutoff. I think the final version ended up looking a bit arrow-like, which fit with YDATL’s goal of democratic progress.
What was some of your design inspiration for YDATL?
I was really inspired by Kamala Harris’s campaign logo. The bold condensed type and use of yellow in her campaign logo feels youthful and friendly, but still very professional at the same time.
Why did you enjoy working on this project? Making Georgia aesthetically pleasing but still look like Georgia was a challenge, but it was satisfying being able to accomplish that goal and create a logo that will be perfect for YDATL.
Visit YDATL’s website and follow them on Instagram!

Amber Keating
Founder. Women’s advocate. Diversity expert. Amber Keating has worn many hats throughout her 32 years. To this day she credits her entrepreneurial spirit to her mom, who instilled in her that the worst thing that can happen is you land back where you started.
Amber started Juniperus to amplify the voices of people who are making the world a better place. She has already worked with the likes of Adobe, the Sierra Club, and numerous political campaigns—with many more exciting opportunities on the horizon.